Painting the Hull

This has been on the list for…. a year?
We always put off doing any exterior work because with all our attention focused on the interior, who cares what the outside looks like!?!  Well, with a splash date in the near future it's turned into a now or never type of project.  We decided to paint just the hull for now.  Once we are in the water and have more time, we will tackle the decks and pilot house, too.

On rickety scaffolding!

I did a little sanding and found that the Bondo used to fair the hull had pulled away from the aluminum just a little because of corrosion. 

I continued sanding until I had "white metal" showing and then primed it with zinc chromate to seal the metal.  

After all the sanding, fairing, taping, wiping, and dusting I was ready to get a coat of paint on her!  We're going with a very light gray for the hull and a color called "tropical splash" for her stripe.  One of the yard guys put it well when he complimented our choice of colors.   "She doesn't look so serious anymore"
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